Site Installation Information 1.3 (July 2019)
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Browser Beta Version Information
The browser version of our software uses a technology called WebAssembly which is very new and is only available in recent versions of browsers. We are making these versions available on an "as is" basis with no warranties whatsoever. While they are ...
License Activation
General Information All our software is licensed. As a user, you do not own the software but you purchase a right to its use. Please consult our EULA that came bundled with your software for more information. License Key A license key is an ...
License Types
Introduction This document describes the different license types that are supported by IdeaMapper software. You may not be able to buy every type of license. License Activation IdeaMapper software requires node locking through an activation ...
Does ideamapper use the cloud?
Upon installation and once installed, ideamapper does not use the cloud. All data is locally stored on the device it is installed upon.
Version 2.7 (May 2018): Quick Start, UI Improvements, Zotero
Main additional features: Quick Start Guide: The quick start guide is a document that is loaded immediately when you start the software, it contains information designed to get you going creating essays. Zotero: You can now link to your Zotero ...